The Sentral Parent Portal is used to communicate student data such as attendance, school reports and wellbeing, as well as allowing parents to book parent teacher interviews, adding future absences and more.
See the guide below on how to utilise serveral features of the Sentral Parent Portal:
Downloading the Sentral Mobile App
The easiest way to access your parent portal is so download the mobile app which is available for Android and Apple devices.
Dowload the Sentral for Parents Mobile App.
Registering for the Parent Portal
You will be required to enter your student's school name, your email address and create a password to register for the Parent Portal.
Once you are registered you will be required to enter an Access Key to view your students details. You will need to contact the front office to receive this.
Explaining abscences
If your student is away, you will receive an SMS and a Sentral notification. You can explain this absence by replying directly to the SMS or by submitting an explanation via the portal, using the following steps:
- Once logged into the portal select the absences section. A highlighted number will appear if there are unexplained abscences.
- Select the absense you would like to explain.
- Type your explanation into the 'Explanation' box, and then press 'submit'.
Adding future absences
If you know your child is going to be away for a whole day, due to illness or an appointment, you are able to notify the school by adding the absence onto the portal ahead of time, using the following steps:
- Once logged into the portal select the absences section. Then, select the plus (+) button in the top right corner.
- If you have more than one student enrolled at our school, ensure the correct student/s are selected.
- Select the reason for their absence.
- Add the dates they will be absent for.
- You may like to add a comment if the reason doesn't give enough explanation. E.g. If the reason given is 'Medical' you may explain if this is due to a dentist appointment or due to illness.
- Once complete, select 'send'.
Accessing academic reports
You can access a PDF version of your students academic report, using the following steps:
- Once logged into the portal, select the box with your students name and school photo.
- Select the dropdown section titled 'Academic Reports'.
- Determine which report you would like to view, then select 'PDF' underneath, which will download and open in a seperate app.